Artificial Intelligence Training by Experts
Our Training Process

Artificial Intelligence - Syllabus, Fees & Duration
Module 1: Introduction to Data Science
- What is Data Science?
- What is Machine Learning?
- What is Deep Learning?
- What is AI?
- Data Analytics & itβs types
Module 2: Introduction to Python
- What is Python?
- Why Python?
- Installing Python
- Python IDEs
Module 3: Python Basics
- Python Basic Data types
- Lists
- Slicing
- IF statements
- Loops
- Dictionaries
- Tuples
- Functions
- Array
- Selection by position & Labels
Module 4: Python Packages
- Pandas
- Numpy
- Sci-kit Learn
- Mat-plot library
Module 5: Importing Data
- Reading CSV files
- Saving in Python data
- Loading Python data objects
- Writing data to csv file
Module 6: Manipulating Data
- Selecting rows/observations
- Rounding Number
- Selecting columns/fields
- Merging data
- Data aggregation
- Data munging techniques
Module 7: Statistics Basics
- Central Tendency
- Probability Basics
- Standard Deviation
- Bias variance Trade off
- Distance metrics
- Outlier analysis
- Missing Value treatment
- Correlation
Module 8: Error Metrics
- Classification
- Regression
Module 9: Machine Learning
- Supervised Learning
- Linear Regression
- Logistic regression
Module 10: Unsupervised Learning
- K-Means
- K-Means ++
- Hierarchical Clustering
Module 11: SVM
- Support Vectors
- Hyperplanes
- 2-D Case
- Linear Hyperplane
Module 12: SVM Kernel
- Linear
- Radial
- polynomial
Module 13: Other Machine Learning algorithms
- K Nearest Neighbour
- NaΓ―ve Bayes Classifier
- Decision Tree CART
- Decision Tree C50
- Random Forest
- Perceptron
- Multi-Layer perceptron
- Markov Decision Process
- Logical Agent & First Order Logic
- AL Applications
Module 15: Deep Learning Algorithms
- CNN Convolutional Neural Network
- RNN Recurrent Neural Network
- ANN Artificial Neural Network
Module 16: Introduction to NLP
- Text Pre-processing
- Noise Removal
- Lexicon Normalization
- Lemmatization
- Stemming
- Object Standardization
Module 17: Text to Features
- Syntactical Parsing
- Dependency Grammar
- Part of Speech Tagging
- Entity Parsing
- Named Entity Recognition
- Topic Modelling
- N Grams
- Frequency / Density Features
- Word Embedding
Module 18: Tasks of NLP
- Text Classification
- Text Matching
- Levenshtein Distance
- Phonetic Matching
- Flexible String Matching
This syllabus is not final and can be customized as per needs/updates