Angular JS Training by Experts


Our Training Process

Angular JS - Syllabus, Fees & Duration

Module 1: Introduction to HTML

  • HTML Basics, Elements, Attributes, Styles
  • Forms, Form Elements, Input Element Types
  • Input Attributes, File Paths, Script tag

Module 2: Introduction to CSS

  • CSS Introduction, Syntax, Selectors, Styling
  • Pseudo class, Pseudo Elements
  • CSS Tables, CSS Box Models
  • CSS Opacity, CSS Navigation Bar, Dropdowns

Module 3: Introduction to JavaScript

  • JavaScript Statements, Keywords, Functions
  • JavaScript Programs, Operators, Functions
  • Function Parameters, Function Return Types
  • Data Types, Primitive Types

Module 4: Working with Objects

  • Object Oriented Programming, Object Creation
  • Adding Methods of Objects
  • JavaScript Loops Iteration
  • Adding Properties of Objects
  • JavaScript Conditional Statements
  • Enumerating Properties, Callbacks, JSON

Module 5: Angular JS Basics

  • What is Angular JS?
  • Why Angular JS?
  • Why MVC matters
  • MVC-The Angular JS way
  • Features of Angular JS ,Model-View-Controller
  • My First Angular JS app

Module 6: Angular Expressions

  • All about Angular Expressions
  • How to use expressions, Angular vs JavaScript

Module 7: Filters

  • Built-In Filters, Using Angular JS Filters
  • Creating Custom Filters

Module 8: Directives

  • Introduction to Directives, Directive Lifecycle
  • Binding controls to data, Matching directives
  • Using Angular JS built-in directives
  • Creating a custom directive

Module 9: Controllers

  • Role of a Controller, Controllers Modules
  • Attaching Properties and functions to scope
  • Nested Controllers, Using Filters in Controllers
  • Controllers in External Files

Module 10: Angular JS Modules

  • Introduction to Angular JS Modules
  • Bootstrapping Angular JS

Module 11: Angular JS Forms

  • Working with Angular Forms, Model Binding
  • Forms Events, Updating Models with a Twist
  • Form Controller, Validating Angular Forms
  • $error object

Module 12: Scope

  • What is scope, Scope Lifecycle
  • Scope Inheritance, Scope & Controllers
  • Root scope, Scope Broadcasting
  • Two-way data binding, Scope Inheritance
  • Scope & Directives, $apply and $watch
  • Scope Events

Module 13: Dependency Injection Services

  • What is Dependency Injection
  • Creating Services, Factory, Service & Provider
  • Using Dependency Injection, What are services
  • Using Angular JS built in services

Module 14: Single Page Application (SPA)

  • What is SPA, Pros and Cons of SPA
  • Passing Parameters, Changing location
  • Installing the ng Route module, Configure routes
  • Resolving promises, Creating a Single Page Apps

Module 15: Angular JS Animation

  • ng Animate Module, CSS Transforms
  • CSS Transitions, Applying Animations

Module 16: Introduction to Node JS

  • Introduction to Node JS
  • Advantages of Node JS
  • What is Node JS, Node.js Process Model
  • Traditional Web Server Model

Module 17: Setup Development Environment

  • Install Node.js on Windows
  • Working in REPL, Node JS Console

Module 18: Node JS Modules

  • Functions, Buffer, Module
  • Modules Types
  • Core Modules, Local Modules
  • Modules Exports

Module 19: Node Package Manager

  • What is NPM, Installing Packages Locally
  • Installing package globally
  • Adding dependency in package json
  • Updating packages

Module 20: Creating Web Server

  • Creating Web Server
  • Sending Requests
  • Handling http requests

Module 21: File System

  • read File, Writing a File
  • Opening a file, Deleting a file
  • Writing a file asynchronously
  • Other IO Operations

Module 22: Debugging Node JS Application

  • Core Node JS Debugger

Module 23: Events

  • Event Emitter class
  • Inheriting Events
  • Returning event emitter

Module 24: Express JS

  • Configuring Routes
  • Working with Express

Module 25: Serving Static Resources

  • Serving Static Files
  • Working with Middle Ware

Module 26: Database Connectivity

  • Connecting String, Configuring
  • Updating Records
  • Working with Select Command
  • Deleting Records

Project Development

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Course Fees

Angular JS Jobs in Las Vegas

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Find jobs related to Angular JS in search engines (Google, Bing, Yahoo) and recruitment websites (monsterindia, placementindia, naukri,,, etc.) based in Las Vegas, chennai and europe countries. You can find many jobs for freshers related to the job positions in Las Vegas.

  • Web Developer
  • Full Stack Developer
  • Software Developer
  • Angular Developer
  • Senior Software Engineer
  • java angular developer
  • Senior Front End Developer
  • Back End Developer
  • Web Developer Intern
  • Angular js Expert

Angular JS Internship/Course Details

Angular JS internship jobs in Las Vegas
Angular JS The Angular framework doesn't need to incorporate any third-party libraries for making essential functionality for the web and app solution. Nestsoft coaching session is taken in pleasant surroundings and thus members will perceive the concepts simply, Our established AngularJS Training can make you ready for technical interviews. Angular provides you with a bunch of tools and libraries that will kickstart your project in seconds. AngularJS could be a famous framework maintained by Google to modify development & look for strategies among developers across the world. Having a versatile app development design is bliss for every creator. Developers can presently re-use the codes or the weather of the codes written before in various applications so making Angular JS development an awfully unique framework. AngularJS allows developers to stay in web infrastructures with ease & comfortability. AngularJS framework is comparatively modifiable when it involves server communication. It's designed on the MVC architecture that's typically used for designing wealthy web applications. one of the most crucial advantages of AngularJS is that it's managed by Google.

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